组图(双语)丨紫鹊界梯田“对话”世界 尽览千年农耕文化

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红网时刻新闻记者 谭卫丰 田兴雨 谭婕倪 娄底报道


On the afternoon of September 20, the “From Ziquejie Terraces to the world” -- Global Farming Culture Exchange and Mutual Learning Conference event invited domestic and foreign guests to go to the Ziquejie Terraces to visit it in person and with all their heart, highlighting the development characteristic of Ziquejie Terraces of “original protection, active utilization, and industry integration”.


At the Yaorenchong Observation Deck, the core scenic spot of Ziquejie Terraces, foreign friends tasted authentic Xinhua cuisine, learned to sing Xinhua folk songs, tasted Xinhua black tea.